When To Be Done With Therapy

There are two big questions when discussing therapy: when do I start and when am I done. Most people start therapy when they feel the need to talk to someone and get an unbiased...


Coloring Books: A Stress Reliver

In my self-care journey, I have explored many self-care activities to find what works for me, like spending time outdoors, talking to a trusted friend about a problem, a spa day, reading, or just...


Living In the Now

A while ago, I started to read a book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I read half and when I got busy with school, I put the book away and forgot...



When talking about being an introvert I don’t want to make it seem like I struggle to communicate to people because I really don’t. Due to different life circumstances, I am a bit skeptical...


The Power of “Both/And”

How often have we found ourselves saying “either…or”? Either I support this person or take care of myself Either I feel grief or relief Either I succeed or fail When we find ourselves caught...


Putting Yourself First

Has anyone ever felt like friends or family are burdening you with things you may not be prepared to deal with? I feel like this quite frequently- whether it be a close friend or...


Fight, Flight, Fawn, and Freeze

Most people know the phrase “fight or flight response”. I never knew there were other reactions tied to how people handle situations. Two others that I have recently come to understand are fawn and...