How Minimalism Has Helped Me

My experience with minimalism has been a long one. Like most things in life, my relationship with minimalism has its ebbs and flows. There are times, where the idea of having less and focusing...


Being Present in the Now

Do you find yourself so frequently planning things for the future that you forget to take your time and enjoy the present? Here are some things that can help with that. 1. Avoid overflowing...


Communicating during Conflict

In any type of relationship, conflicts are bound to happen. Having conflict sometimes isn’t necessarily a bad thing, some say it’s even healthy for a relationship. However, there are times during conflict where one...


Enjoying Your own Company

This summer has proven to be a challenge for me and my mental health seeing that I had to move to a new town for an internship. Not only is the job itself daunting,...


Preparing just in case

I am an over preparer. When I get anxious, I need to make sure I have everything at my disposal to be comfortable and try to lower the nerves. An example would be that...